Following a string of gear packs that offered additional armor, weapons, and implants, The Kraken will extend The Surge 2’s playtime with a brand-new story set on the suburban outskirts of Jericho City.

Following in the footsteps of the A Walk In The Park DLC from the first game in the series, this time around, we’re getting another tongue-in-cheek expansion featuring a blend of horror and humor.

The Kraken has an ’80s retro theme that will go from housewife-Hell to an aircraft carrier transformed into a bunker for the apocalyptic rich and famous.

Cheesy ’80s movies, old-school workout videos, and robot pirates galore await! Both The Kraken expansion and The Surge 2 Premium Edition will hit all platforms — Xbox One, PS4, and PC — on January 16, 2020.

Existing Season Pass holders will also gain access to The Kraken early and can begin playing the expansion a full 48 hours ahead of time on January 14. Check out the DLC’s teaser trailer below.

In our review of The Surge 2, we said that the ARPG sequel from Focus Home Interactive and Deck13, “is a nearly perfect refinement of this style and a significantly improved follow-up to the previous game. If there’s an award for ‘best sequel,’ Deck13 definitely deserves to take it home for The Surge 2.”

Stay plugged into GameSkinny for more news and information on The Surge 2 and any future DLCs as it develops. 

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