Sakura Wars is set in an alternate version of 1940s Imperial Tokyo and follows the story of the Imperial Combat Revue’s Flower Division in its attempt to recapture former glory. The Flower Division is part theatre company, part military defense force. It’s a wild combination you can only get in an anime setting, and somewhat like Tokyo Mirage Sessions before it, the Flower Division’s goal is restoring hope to the people of Tokyo and fending off threats to the city at the same time.

All this falls to Seijuro Kamiyama, a former naval captain re-assigned to the Flower Division to oversee its reconstruction. He’s joined by an eclectic and colorful cast, ranging from wannabe star Sakura Amamiya to magic-wielding Luxembourg noble Claris.

The official Sakura Wars website says pre-orders are open now, but at the time of writing, no retailer has them available. When they do pop up, you’ll be getting the PlayStation 4 game, reversible artwork, and sticker set for your pains.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Sakura Wars news as it makes its debut.