The show was announced in the Nintendo UK Twitter post below:

It is actually somewhat surprising that the Squid Sisters will be appearing at a show outside of Japan. Even the most popular holographic Vocaloid pop-star - Hatsune Miku - has only had a handful of shows outside of Japan and East Asia. Vocaloid shows only entered North American markets about 2 years ago, first being featured on The Late Show with David Letterman.

Hatsune Miku performing on David Letterman back in 2014, the first North American digital-diva show

The spread of Vocaloid shows is more understandable, considering their global popularity and their use of an actual human language (i.e.: Japanese). However, Splatoon’s inkling language isn’t exactly comprehensible. Hopefully the show will see success regardless, so that North American audiences might have a chance of seeing the show.

Do you live in Paris or plan on attending Japan Expo? If so, are you planning on checking out Squid Sisters LIVE?