The Skeleton Key to Knowledge

Before we start, know that ships in Caribbean Hunt are rated by Sail Strength, Hull Strength, Crew Compliment, Guns, and Cargo Capacity. Also, the bow angle and sail speeds.

Some classes offer multiple variations as well so shop wisely.

Civilian Ships

As the name says, these are ships primarily designed for use by traders for cargo shipping and pirates for plunder. They can be upgraded and are readily available at various ports of call.


For many a sailor, this is where you start. A sloop is a small 3-man craft, barely armed with only a single rear-facing gun and a quick helm to keep you alive. Learn to hit and run in order to survive.


Holding a crew of nine, the Cutter adds a few guns and doubles the cargo space. Not bad for hit-and-run attacks but won’t last long in a stand-up battle.


A few more crewmen and a little more cargo space, but it adds 50% more hull and sails to hold out during battle.


Fairly common sailing vessel that ups most stats, except guns (before upgrading), but makes up for the price in speed. Only the premium ships are faster on the open ocean. And true pirates preferred speed over power.


Having one of the largest civilian ship cargo capacities, this class packs rows of cannons and a strong thick hull. But, your speed will suffer.


This class is similar to the schooner, but sacrifices speed for hull strength and a little more cargo capacity.


This ship strikes a good balance of strength, firepower, and cargo – but it gives up turning speed in exchange.


This slow-moving class of ship is better suited for cargo convoys, as it can haul the most cargo of any ship in the game. But that trunk space comes at the expense of speed and carries only modest weapons. Probably not your best option as a primary vessel.


These pot-bellied Spanish merchant ships are massive cargo haulers with thick hulls and heavy sails to compensate for their slow speed and low maneuverability. They can also ferry the most crew.


With a hull second only to the Galleon, this ship also has one of the highest civilian crew capacities and a large cargo hold while still remaining fairly fast. Its wider angle, though, makes it a bit less agile.


Quite quick, lots of cargo space with a fairly sturdy hull make this ship a powerful platform for the pirate. Having a high crew capacity and firepower helps too.


This class of ship is quite fast for its larger size, making it quite formidable. It sports a strong hull, heavy sail strength and substantial firepower. It has the narrowest turning angle, except for the smallest ships.


Second only to the Galleon for sheer cargo space, this ship also is the slowest class of civilian vessel. But, they pack the most broadside guns.

Civilian Ship Stats


Packing more base firepower than their civilian cousins, these ships sacrifice cargo space for better weapons and stronger armor.


This Cutter adds another crewman and ups hull and sails. Still quick and agile.


A few more crewmen as well as some chaser guns along with improved hull and sail strength. She’s faster than the civilian version too.


Major guns upgrade gives this version a lot more punch. It’s still just as fast, even with improved hull and sails. 



Surprisingly little difference between this ship and its civilian cousin, except some more hull and sail strength.



The military version of the Brig loads up the guns by nearly double, in addition to better hull and sails. Speed remains the same. Personally, I think this will be the next ship I make an effort to obtain.



War galleons crank up the firepower with only a slight drop in cargo capacity, and without any loss of speed. 


The only real change for the military model of the Xebec is the addition of a few guns. Not sure if any price increase is justified.


These are the single fastest class of military sailing ship in the game currently. They also pack more firepower than most mid-sized vessels while trading off more cargo space for less hull strength. The HMS Surprise from the film Master and Commander: Far Side of the World was a corvette.

Steam Corvette

This vessel is unique in that it uses the latest steam-powered technology to drive paddle wheels as well as sails. While they do not carry the same level of firepower, steam ships do not suffer wind angle issues.


Nearly as fast as the Corvette, the Snow class does give up some maneuverability while having a little more cargo space, but more armor. The ship also does give up a bit of sail strength.


Gunboats built for speed, these ships often escorted larger warships but were quite capable on their own. They are fast for their size to keep up with smaller ships and still have firepower to engage larger ships. Famous frigates include the USS Constitution and Black Beard’s Queen Anne’s Revenge.


These massive vessels of combat were the predecessors to Ships of the Line. They were floating fortresses, often the flagship of larger fleets and primarily used to enforce a nation’s will or protect it’s holdings. 


A bulky Ship of the Line carrying two or three full decks of 80-90 guns, over 400 crewmen, a compliment of marines and carronades for targeting crews.


A Royal Ship of the Line with three full decks of 100+ guns, 500+ crewmen, a compliment of marines and carronade. These were typically admiralty flagships. Few ships dared challenge these monstrosities.

Military Ship Stats


The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt also offers top-end ships of various classes. These special vessels are crafted after various well-known ships of history.

HMS Nimble

A military cutter in the service of the British navy. Throughout history there were actually 8 different cutters named Nimble in Her Majesty’s fleet. Likely this one was named after a ship that sank in 1781. 

HMS Pickle

This British navy schooner served in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The ship is of note because it carried the sad message home that Admiral Lord Nelsen died during in battle with the French.

HMS Interceptor

This Brig was likely named after the fictional high-speed naval warship that appeared in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. No real British vessel was ever named Interceptor.

HMS Ontario

This Snow-class ship is named after a warship that served the British navy during the American Revolution. The largest vessel to sail the Great Lakes at the time, it sunk in 1780 while ferrying prisoners of war.

Le Sphinx

France’s first ‘paddle-steamer’ naval vessel, this Steam Corvette was given its namesake from a warship that served in the Battle of Algiers. It’s noted in history for carrying the famed Luxor Obelisk from Egypt to France.

Black Galleon

It’s likely this ship was crafted after the famed but fictional Black Pearl aka The Wicked Wench, from the Pirates of the Caribbean films, with its all-black paint scheme, massive guns, and hull power.


This French design is probably named after the first-rate warship of the French Republic Navy following the French Revolution and served in the Glorious First of June battle. The Montagne survived 233 round shot blasts from the British HMS Royal Sovereign but still managed to return home.

Santisme Trinidad

This massive war galleon was likely named after the Spanish flagship which fell into British hands at the Battle of Manila. Did I mention it packs 136 guns?

HMS Victory

Serving Her Majesty’s fleet in the American Revolution, the French Revolutionary Wars and Napoleonic Wars, this impressive first-rate Ship of the Line may be the most famous sailing warship in history. She was Admiral Lord Nelson’s personal flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

HMS Tonnant

Originally a second-rate French Ship of the Line, the Tonnant was captured by Admiral Nelson at the Battle of the Nile in 1798. She then saw action in the Napoleonic Wars at the Battle of Trafalgar.

USS Constitution

Originally built in 1797 to combat the Barbary Pirates and protect US shipping from privateers, the frigate Constitution also saw action in the War of 1812. Her reputation for eluding capture, defeating larger vessels and sustaining minimal combat damage earned her the nickname ‘Old Ironsides’.


Listed as a War Galleon, this infamous vessel was originally a Portuguese slave ship that sank near the East Caicos in 1837. Fortunately, some 200 slaves survived the disaster.

Premium Ship Stats


The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt is a Free-to-Play game currently available for download at Steam. The original mobile app is still available at iTunes and Google Play.