While it is currently unclear whether or not this video takes place before or after “Recall”, Tracer certainly seems to care little for ensuring that the members of Overwatch are operating solely in the shadows. After catching wind of an assassination attempt against an omnic known as Mondatta, Tracer starts her pursuit of Widowmaker on the rooftops of London’s King’s Row area. However, the attempts at being a hero - and the line between saving one’s self and another’s life - are put into serious conflict.

Only minutes after the initial release, fans of Overwatch have already begun drawing lines between the released Overwatch shorts. The first familiar character - picked out by a Reddit user going by the name “Banshy52” - is a young woman and robot that appears in the “We Are Overwatch” trailer, and “Alive”’s first few minutes.

From “Alive”

From “We Are Overwatch”

Another interesting character pointed out by Reddit user Chidori001, despite being less likely to be the same, is a little girl from the start of the video. She too appears in the “We Are Overwatch” trailer, however, the similarities are less obvious.

Blizzard’s idea to expand the franchise of Overwatch beyond the game itself seems to be working so far. With many more videos yet to come, and over 50,000 views in the first hour alone, it seems that the cast of Overwatch won’t be disappearing from the limelight anytime soon.

Overwatch is available for pre-order now, and is expecting an early access release on May 5th for pre-orderers only.