CCP Games’ choice of expansion title alone conjures all kinds of possibilities. EVE Online is littered with real-world historical parallels and Rubicon is a very suggestive one. Julius Caesar’s insurrection as he crossed the river Rubicon to march on Rome to overthrow the established order in 49BC translated into EVE terms could mean that the way is being paved for some fundamental changes to gameplay and/or the gameworld.

Unsurprisingly, CCP is playing its cards close to its chest, with the content of Senior Producer Andie ‘CCP Seagull’ Nordgren’s “Five-year vision, three-year road map and 12-month plan” only being hinted at. Images of new stargates being built suggests new modes of travel and possibly even new destinations.

Is she really prepared to disrupt the status quo to the degree that Julius Caesar did? Or does the Rubicon reference have a different interpretation? It’s unclear, but details of what Rubicon will involve hold much promise for certain playstyles and also foreshadow what lays further along the road.

Here’s a quick look at some of the exciting foreshadowing going on.

NEXT: Clandestine Ghost Sites