The name of this method was given by fans and is named after Game Freak director, Junichi Masuda because he is the one that programmed the method into Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.

The method is simple: breed two Pokémon from two different geographical locations, such as one from United States and one from Japan. This is what increases the rate at which you can get a shiny. This method is also preferred because you can breed certain moves, the Nature you want, and Abilities this way. When you catch a shiny in the wild, you are stuck with whatever Nature, Ability, and moves it can learn.

I tried this method in Pokémon X and was able to get a shiny Scyther, which I evolved into Scizor. I bred a Japanese Scyther with an American Scyther. It took me a while, 50-100 eggs, before getting a shiny.


The new fishing method I explained in a previous article, Catch Shinies Easily in Pokemon XY, is still the easier way to get a shiny. I tried to do it again by breeding the same Japanese Scyther with my American Pinsir, but I gave up after going through hundreds of eggs. I’m not sure if the Pokémon have to be the same species, so that might have something to do with it.

Have you tried this method and was successful? Do you have any other information on shiny methods? If so, let me know in the comments section.