The Lost Child follows Hayato Ibuki, an occult journalist investigating a string of strange suicides around Tokyo. When Hayato runs into a mysterious girl, she insists that he must live and entrusts him with a gadget which enables him to capture mystical creatures collectively known as Astrals. Hayato’s journey will take him through dungeons known as Layers in order to discover the reason why he was given this task, and the future of the entire world could hang in the balance.

The Lost Child will include over 50 Astrals to obtain, which each have a base form as well as two “Evilutions” to go through, over 250 skills for Astrals to learn, and dungeons which can have up to 99 floors for players to test their skills.

The Lost Child will be released both physically and digitally on PlayStation 4 and will have a digital-only release on PlayStation Vita. A limited-edition version of the game is currently available for preorder through NIS America’s website. This limited edition includes a collector’s box, an original soundtrack, and a hardcover art book. The game originally released in Japan on August 24, 2017.