Important explanations of formations, elementals, and more are left out. That’s where I come in, to help explain it all. I’ll get you started with The Legend of Legacy by explaining important details that the game does not.

This guide will go over the basics and general help in The Legend of Legacy including:

Starting Character and Basics - What the difference between each character is, their base stats, and basics on the game. Combat and Formations - Details on the battle system and how formations work. Elementals - What they are and how to use them.

Starting Character and Basics

Each of the 7 characters have their own base stats and story. You can recruit everyone so in the long run it doesn’t matter who you start with. The character you choose determines the story, so it is better to focus on the character you want to see the most. I’ll give a small description of each and list their base stats.

Meurs, Elementalist

Age: 27 The last of his kind, able to speak to elementals. Classic, all-around protagonist.

Base Stats

HP - 60 SP - 6 Attack - 4 Guard - 6 Support - 10

Bianca, Girl with Amnesia

Age: Unknown Optimistic girl who awoke with no memories.

Base Stats

HP - 40 SP - 4 Attack - 4 Guard - 8 Support - 8

Liber, Treasure Hunter

Age: 18 Idealistic, energetic, and chivalrous. Always in search of treasure.

Base Stats

HP - 50 SP - 7 Attack - 4 Guard - 5 Support - 13

Garnet, Templar

Age: 20 Knight of the Holy Order sho is loyal to the church. She holds strong to her beliefs.

Base Stats

HP - 80 SP - 8 Attack - 8 Guard - 9 Support - 4

Owen, Mercenary

Age: 36 Well known for his combat skills. Will take any job if the price is right.

Base Stats

HP - 90 SP - 6 Attack - 5 Guard - 14 Support - 04

Eloise, Alchemist

Age: 24 Her kind nature may just be an act to help her find the secret of eternal youth.

Base Stats

HP - 70 SP - 10 Attack - 7 Guard - 10 Support - 5

Filmia, Frog Prince

Age: Unknown Cheerful heir to a lost kingdom. Will randomly burst into song.

Base Stats

HP - 70 SP - 4 Attack - 10 Guard - 4 Support - 7


When you start, you won’t be able to open the menu, change, equipment, or use items until the tutorial. You get a map of the area and maps are important for more than just finding your way around.

Maps unlock areas, but they are blank. As you walk through the area, you automatically fill in the map. When you get 100%, then map filles in the corners you may not have reached.

If you get 100% for every area of the map, you can sell it to the shop for a lot of money. When you go to sell the map, it tells you if the map is complete or not.


You can send ships if you enable StreetPass for The Legend of Legacy. There are 3 ships and each costs a different amount to send and take a certain amount of time to come back.

Cog - Costs 300 St to send and takes 1 hour. Caravel - Costs 1,000 St and takes 3 hours. Galleon - Costs 5,000 St and takes 5 hours.

When they return, you get items, based on the ship and how many people you pass with StreetPass. The higher the ship, the better the rewards. If you can afford it, Galleon is the best choice because you get amazing gear and it only takes 2 more hours than Caravel.

Combat and Formations

Combat in The Legend of Legacy looks simple at first, but there is complexity as you start to progress and get different stances/formations. The base system is traditional turn-based JRPG style.

Whenever you use a weapon attack, you have the chance to learn a new skill with that weapon. So be sure to try many attacks.

Each of the 3 characters in combat can have a stance, which you choose by setting up a formation before combat. At first, you only have 3 stances, Attack, Defend, Support, but you get more later.


You must choose a formation before picking an action for each character. There are default formations, but you can edit and create your own. In each formation, you choose the stance for each character.

Every action can be done in any stance, but the stances add benefits to certain actions. For example, Attack stance adds extra damage to any attacking actions. Support adds extra speed and increases the potency of healing. This makes it so that you are more likely to use support skills before the enemy.

It is important to have many formations with different stances for each person, so that you can adapt to any situation. This is also important for elementals, but more on that later.

You can level up actions in the 3 default stances. If you use an attack skill in support stance, the support level of that skill increases. You have to be in attack stance if you want to level the attack of a skill.


Elementals are what they sound like, spirits of either fire, water, or wind. Later in the game, you can use elemental skills, but the system is complex.

You need to get a charm, an item you equip, that lets you use an elemental contract in battle. After you make a contract during battle, that element will be on your side and you can use elemental skills of that element. There are other charms you must equip that give you the actual elemental skills. For example, equip a charm that gives Water Contract to use water elemental skills. Cast Water Contract during battle and the water element goes to your side.

While in combat you can hold “Y” to show which side the elements are on. You can only use an elemental skill if that element is on your side. The problem is, your enemy can also call elements. The last person to contract an element, keeps it on their side.

This means if you use an elemental skill, but the enemy calls that element to their side before your turn, your skill will fail.

If you use a skill in the right stance enough times, you’ll learn the skill. This allows you to use the elemental skill without the required charm. You will still need some type of elemental charm, but not the specific skill one. If the skill is an attack skill, use it in attack stance and you eventually learn it.

That’s it for my Beginner Tips and Tricks for The Legend of Legacy. Let me know if you have any questions! Check my Elementals Guide for more details on them and for the Singing Shard locations.

The Legend of Legacy Beginner Tips and Tricks   Legend of Legacy - 75The Legend of Legacy Beginner Tips and Tricks   Legend of Legacy - 50The Legend of Legacy Beginner Tips and Tricks   Legend of Legacy - 33