Square Enix did not specify why they are pulling The Last Remnant from physical and digital shelves, but anyone who purchases the game before September 4 will be able to keep their copy regardless of if it is for sale on Steam. The announcement also didn’t not specify whether or not the Xbox 360 version of the game will be removed from the Xbox Store.

The Last Remnant is an RPG set in a fictional world with four humanoid races: the Mitra, the Sovani, the Yama and the Qsiti. The world revolves around “Remnants,” ancient magical artifacts bound to specific people who can use their Remnant’s power. The protagonist, Rush Sykes, is on a quest to save his kidnapped sister Irina. But Rush gets caught up in the power struggle taking taking place over the Remnants and among the world’s city-states.

Until September 4, players can pick up the game on Steam for $9.99.