Understudy competitor Geronimo Warner’s heartbreaking passing is grieved all through the college. The startling passing of an understudy competitor has been accounted for by Mississippi authorities. JSU put out an announcement on Wednesday illuminating general society regarding Warner’s passing and communicating their sympathies to his loved ones.


Warner played monitor for the JSU men’s ball group and was an administration major from Phoenix. Jackson State agents communicated their true feelings to Warner’s family, dear companions, and other friends and family. Warner’s reason for death was not promptly revealed by the school, but rather specialists said the deficiency of the understudy affected the entire Jackson State people group.

JSU’s assertion incorporated the accompanying: “Jackson State College grieves the deficiency of Geronimo Warner. We send contemplations of solace, understanding, and empathy during this troublesome time.

We energize any individual from our grounds local area needing distress backing to contact the Latasha Norman Place for Directing Administrations. Kindly keep the loved ones of Geronimo Warner in your requests.”

Geronimo Warner is a local of Arizona and was a redshirt rookie for the JSU men’s ball group for the 2021-22 season. His situation on the crew was as a gatekeeper.

“sudden cardiac arrest”

“He saw a doctor three months prior and his heart was fine.” ~ momhttps://t.co/A7Tkfa2DBI#DiedSuddenly #SuddenDeath#VaccineDeaths #VaccineDeath pic.twitter.com/gvbLhwmNvy

— Michael Benjamin (@MBenjaminUSA) November 8, 2022

Early Life Geronimo Warner holds an American Resident and he has a place with the white ethnic gathering.

Schooling Geronimo Warner studied at Jackson State College