A fanboy/girl is a person considered to belong to one or more fandoms to a point of obsession. Xbox One fans make out that a majority of articles about Sony are purely fan based however there are plenty of articles on the web that are based on both console manufacturers.  It just so happens that a majority of what is written in my opinion can often be misleading. 

The harsh truth is deep down its all stems towards jealousy from each other because what is said about Sony or Microsoft consoles is in most cases true facts about either console which hurts those fans on the defensive side!

So which fan is right? Sony and Microsoft fans both have strong arguments against each other but I will be honest. I’ve always been inclined to believe that Sony fans are usually more right about what is said in my opinion and here’s why:

MS (Microsoft) have been known to lie to their consumers and that shows just how gullible MS fans are! Every fan no matter what console should open up their eyes and ears for the facts. A majority of what Sony fans discuss are usually facts that have been taken from Sony which are not misleading or opinionated. On Microsoft’s defence some things about Sony consoles can be based on opinion but you can’t argue with the facts! 

So without further ado, here come the facts! 

PS4 is more powerful that Xbox One, FACT! Spec comparison  can be found here. PS3 is more powerful than Xbox 360 FACT!  Specs comparison here. Microsoft got a head start when releasing their flawed system a year early, FACT! A Guardian news article depicts why RROD was an issue that arose possibly due to it being released too early ahead of its competition.   The PS3 has now outsold Xbox 360. . according to VGChartz. com, even though the Xbox 360 had a year head start. FACT!

When MS released the Xbox 360 a year earlier, it was plagued with RROD issues, the first consoles sold on the market had a high chance of breaking within its first year.

Sony released their PS3 console a year later and had more time spent on it for good reasons. Sony wanted to sell a console that was as perfectly finished as possible and wasn’t prone to breaking as much. The PS3 was made to be more durable and they succeeded with that! RROD was a vastly more common issue than the YLOD on PS3. Sony spent longer also because they introduced the world to Blu-ray for the first time, and when the PS2 was built it also introduced DVD to the world. Sony are known to create devices that are ahead of their time. 

Sony are known to support their products for much longer too. PS2’s last game will be out in 2013. That’s a 13 year life cycle which is certainly an astonishing accomplishment. 

The PS3 and PS2 consoles featured far more advanced technology when they finally got released, of course Sony aren’t perfect just like Microsoft. The cell processor was a marvel in engineering however it was harder for developers to code for. The PS3 original price was very high upon release.. too high for many gamers but lets not forget that the console was advanced for its time and it brought Blu-ray to the table. 

Sony isn’t always perfect; they too have had problems but when they create something they learn from their mistakes unlike MS. MS admits Vista failed as an operating system and then, when Windows 8 was released, it was just as bad! I had to upgrade my PC with an SSD because of how badly Windows 8 performs. I actually enjoy windows 8 now though I rarely use the Metro user interface probably because it’s better for people with touch screens. I’ve had to bring the start button back using Start8 from Stardock and now MS is going to be releasing Windows 8.1, which is rumoured to return the start button.

Sony consoles like the PS4 is a system I can admire more.. I like PS4 because Sony appears to have learned from their mistakes and have begun to make amends. Sony have looked what gamers and game developers want to see in a new console which is why its a known fact that the PS4 has been called a developer inspired system.

Sony has really put a lot of thought and attention into their new PS4 system and it’s most likely going to pay off. The hardware is vastly superior and they have done their research into what gamers want. PS4 has a lower price tag than PS3, PS4’s camera is not mandatory; however Sony has certainly been advertising the benefits of having a camera on their system. 

It’s no surprise that Microsoft gained a lot of fandom because of its social capabilities on the 360. Cross game chat was a great feature that allowed people to communicate with their voice over the internet like Skype calling on their 360 console. Cross game chat also meant that they could chat even if the users aren’t playing the same game or no game for that matter. It acted just like a Skype call in theory. PS3 did allow users to chat to friends but only whilst playing the same game.

 The 360 could also interact with your Windows-based PC that had Windows Media Center for access to your media library however PS3 could also access media from your PC due to having windows media server compatibility with PS3.

Microsoft certainly had the edge when it comes to social capabilities but that edge for Microsoft won’t work again because PS4 will also have cross game chat which will not to need PS+ to work and every PS4 will come with a headset this time around.

Sony seems to know what consumers want this time around which is a great thing. MS certainly have great marketing but with the Xbox One the marketing doesnt seem to be appealing to gamers as much as Sony. Microsoft are clearly going for a different audience this time around by advertising the Kinect 2 and TV features more than the games themselves. E3 came and went and a majority of the games shown at the Microsoft press conference were multi platform. Plus the DRM fiasco caused a lot of uproar for Microsoft and because of Sony bashing Microsoft with their No DRM announcement during the E3 presentation many gamers out there were angry with MS.

Imagine this scenario: If consoles were students at a school. Microsoft are the bullies, they kicked the obedient students before at E3 with their media focus presentation then kicked us again during E3 by not addressing DRM concerns properly whilst the MS team leaders like Don Mattick say negative things like “buy a 360 if you have no internet access!” This to me proves they simply just don’t care about gamers. Why should you place my trust in them when they clearly don’t deserve it when making comments like that?

Of course then our head teacher, Sony stepped in to stop the bullying by announcing that there will be no DRM in their classroom so then all the students kicked back forcing many fans including myself to spill out their feelings about Microsoft tenfold all over the internet by means of blogs, vlogs and news articles just like this one!

Sony saved us, Sony said NO DRM! Thus Microsoft lost E3 and hurt the hearts of many gamers worldwide. The damage to Microsoft was so severe they were forced to do a 180. 

Many gamers rely on no DRM to sell and borrow their games.. in fact I recently traded in a bunch of old PS3 games that I don’t play anymore and got more than I thought I would. £44. A pleasant surprise after spending a good 15 mins talking to them about next gen. They said that Xbox One & PS4 pre-orders are both flying off the shelves. The money I made from those games will allow me to buy a new game or peripheral for my console or even pay towards a next gen console. I intend on keeping that £44 in my gift card until I find something suitable.

Sony with all their positive reactions and no DRM polices seem to have a better grip on marketing, in fact the two very impressive video advertisements shown below are amazing and really sell the idea that this is gaming at its heart!

In my opinion MS has not marketed the Xbox One properly–their focus on TV and Kinect features has foreshadowed what the early adopters actually care about more, which of course is the games!

We know that both PS4 and Xbox One will have media functionality built-in in various ways, but the point of a gaming console is to allow games be playable on your TV rather than a computer screen. Early adopters of games consoles will care more about the games rather than the media playing capabilities.

Everyone that owns a TV already gets video entertainment through their TV sets… in fact in Britain where I come from, we need to pay for a TV licence in order for that privilege.

In May 2013, Microsoft got hammered by critics when a majority of their console reveal was focused on media functionality and Kinect 2.0. 

Sony showed off the PS4 controller for the first time at their conference in Feburary 2013 and they focused on the things that actually matter to gamers such as hardware specifics, developer support and games.

There’s no point in putting your focus and attention on media capabilities this early on when trying to sell a games console when the majority of early console adopters are going to be core gamers at heart.

The media capabilities might be cool on Xbox One if they are in fact true.. (More on this later). Personally though I don’t see the point in having a Xbox One if you have a Smart TV! Sure, Xbox One is supposed to be the ‘One’ device that does it all however you will still need a TV and Smart TV’s are very popular making the Xbox One features not necessary.

Cable is costly these days and most cable providers like Sky and Virgin also provide broadband internet. Those that can’t afford cable which is in the majority will most likely use Freeview instead. A majority of the free to view channels can be viewed on TV and online now so why would Xbox One’s HDMI-In make a difference? Okay so you can interact with your TV using Kinect but to be honest it is just as easy to press a button on a remote rather than shout or wave your arms to control what you want to watch.

HDMI-In doesn’t really seem like a major selling point to me when I can easily stream media and TV off the internet or from other devices like a computer. Plus HDMI-In might allow 360 to be plugged into the Xbox One, but this negates the point of the Xbox One being the only one console that you need. Unfortunately both Xbox One and PS4 aren’t backwards compatible at the moment but this could change in the future. Especially for Sony with the use of GaiKai technology. Classic games like PS1 and PS2 games may yet still come to PS4 but most likely through PSN and not natively supported by disk. 

Many articles I’ve read and videos I’ve watched online suggest that the Xbox One is less powerful and uses much cheaper parts compared to PS4. Lets not forget the rumour of the Xbox One under clocking!

The PS4 seems to be using a more costly processor and is using more expensive GDDR5 ram which is commonly found in high end PC graphics cards. 

The Graphics memory being used will certainly benefit the console, not just for graphics but for multi-tasking too. 

Like I said before the media capabilities might be cool on Xbox One if they are in fact true!

The Xbox One appears to not as smooth & fluid as Microsoft first shown during their console reveal in May.Video evidence online suggests that the Xbox One UI to be very laggy still. To me the most impressive hardware that Microsoft has shown in my opinion is in fact the Kinect 2 which seems more advanced than the console itself. 

MS are known to fake a lot of things in order to sell the idea of what they hope to achieve with their product!

The fans for a particular console may suffer from what is called brand loyalty, because their own beliefs of the brand is what drives that person to buy that particular product. It’s why I favour the Sony over Microsoft just as I’m sure Xbox fans prefer Xbox. 

As long as you can honestly say you can trust in your preferred console then you’re not wrong no matter what others say.

I trust Sony more because usually what they show is actually real and not fake unlike MS and their misleading demonstrations. The Playroom/Dualshock 4 trailer looked too good to be true, but another video showing live demo’s proved that what is seen in those trailers is actually real and not faked at all! 

Check out Playroom Trailer and Demo.The UI trailer has certainly got me excited for the PS4 because it highlights some great features that the new console has to offer. 

Sony has released the trailer highlighting the PS4′s user interface. More specifically, the trailer shows how players will able to use social interaction to improve their console experience.

The PS4 UI, and its various social features in this trailer certainly show how fluid and seamless using the console could be.  It is important to note that not all of these actions may be running in real time (especially downloads), but that’s to be expected.

Key features in the trailer are:

Multi-tasking i. e going from one application to another seamlessly. Send messages/status posts which is reminiscent of the social functions of Facebook/Twitter. Ability to watch and stream videos. Video sharing capabilities allow to show your favourite gaming moments and also allow users to get tips from friends how to overcome a gaming obstacles. Cross game chat comes to PS4! Being able to purchase a game anywhere such as on your tablet, phone or console. Instantly jumping back into your game from another activity.

The PS4 will be out this Holiday and I certainly can’t wait!