The consensus across the round table was that this was a good decision on Zenimax’s part.  

Mark Taylor of GuildUMBRA mostly just had technical issues but eventually was able to voice his concern with the UI between console and PC.  For example the PC users will be able to mod the UI as they wish when console users will not, this will be a handicap for the console users. Evarwyn of ESotr’s thoughts are that this was an inclusion of the full community rather than a division.  He also says that he believes more options are never a bad thing. Joe of ESotr’s input was that the next gen consoles structure is so similar to PC’s now so there will be very little difficulty and difference between the different versions. Jesse Cox weighs in with how he thinks of this as ESO getting even closer to the original feel of The Elder Scrolls series. Kyle from Shoddycast gives his concerns of how the gameplay will be effected by moving to console and how the PC is just more adapted to the MMO gameplay style. Josh from Shoddycast mentions that the only thing he isn’t too happy with from this decision is that many of his friends were going to have to buy a computer and play ESO with him.  Now that it is available for console they will be playing separately from him. Andrew from Tamriel Foundry makes an incredibly important comment.  Zenimax releasing for console almost completely ensures the financial success of ESO, therefore the content developed afterward will be inevitably good. My opinion on this is that I’m very happy with the addition of two more servers, this will allow for two more server firsts which I find very important to an MMO’s community.  

Watch this whole clip to find out everything else we have to say!

Full episode available here.